Position:Home>Concerned about the CCC >Detailed list of component of key of safety of phonic video equipment
Detailed list of component of key of safety of phonic video equipment
From;  Author:Stand originally
Serial number Name According to national level Corresponding international standard Attestation is carried out 2 of compulsive attestation of GB8898-2001 IEC60065 3C of picture tube of 1 keeps apart transformer GB8898-2001

IEC60065 IEC60742

自愿性认证 3 消磁线圈 GB8898-2001 IEC60065 自愿性认证 4 隔离电阻 GB8898-2001 IEC60065 自愿性认证 5 高压元件与组件(回扫变压器、显像管管座等) GB8898-2001 IEC60065 自愿性认证 6 单相电源开关(含继电器开关) GB8898-2001

IEC60065 IEC61058
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